dataDR Service

In the event of a disaster, the customer's data stored in the existing integration center is moved to the CSAP Zone and stored safely.

It is a service whose safety and reliability are guaranteed by obtaining CSAP certification through security evaluation and certification by KISA, which has been proven safe and reliable for public institutions.

  • Service Features

Data migration & Storage service
in preparation for DR

In the event of a DR situation, the service cannot be transferred, and the physical construction of the DR center is expensive and takes a long time to build. In preparation for this,Hive System Inc.provides a cloud-based dataDR service to move and store data safely.

dataDR Service
  • Currently stored in the integrated control center, the collected data is stored in the CSAP Zone using the dataDR service in preparation for DR situations (fire/flood/earthquake) in the event of a disaster

  • Data stored in the CSAP Zone can be viewed through the SaaSsimulator.

dataDR Simulator
  • Securely store customer's data in CSAP Zone certified by KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency)

  • Immediate data playback and verification upon customer request through the simulator certified by CSAP SaaS

dataDR Product

Line-up T20 T50 T100 T200 T300
Service Provision Capacity 20TB 50TB 100TB 200TB 300TB
Contract Basis Annual Contract (RI applies)
Provided CSP

This service is necessary for companies such as:

  • Install Agent and set up Scheduler

  • Store data in CSAP zone

  • Delete data in CSAP zone when setting storage period expires

  • Play back data using dataDR Simulator when needed